GSPro Course Bounties

Want a golf course created for GSPro, but don't want to foot the entire build cost on your own? The GSPro course bounty page was created to let the golf sim community pool funds to create amazing courses and at the same time reward the licensed designers for their work.

How Does it Work?

  1. Donations for course builds are captured using course campaigns. Anyone can create a course campaign, but as the creator, you are required to commit to a $100 donation to the course build.

  2. Anyone can contribute to an active campaign at any time as well as modify their contribution amount. Once a bounty is accepted, contributions cannot be modified.

  3. Any course designer is free to accept a course bounty. Send @rmsanger a message to claim a bounty.

  4. When a bounty is accepted the course campaign moves to in development and further contributions are not allowed.

  5. All contributions must be paid to the designer when the bounty is accepted. If you contribute to a campaign, follow-through with the payment. DON'T BE THAT GUY!

  6. All community funded courses must be provided to the community. No pay-walls.

Contact Person
You must be a member of SimGolf or SGT discord to create or contribute to course bounties.

Active Campaigns

Start New Course Campaign
Course name must be between 5 and 50 characters
Course location must be between 5 and 50 characters

By clicking contribute, I agree to fund my contribution amount if the course build is accepted by a licensed designer.

Courses In Development

Completed Courses